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2 Halbleiter Degrees in Chemnitz

Here you find 2 Internships and apprenticeships to Halbleiter in Chemnitz. Add matching Halbleiter Internships and apprenticeships in Chemnitz to your saved list. Use your chance to apply for all those Internships and apprenticeships simultaneously. The most relevant ads related to Halbleiter in Chemnitz are shown first.

It was also named after Semiconductor, Photomask, IC, integrated circuits, integrated-circuits, integratedcircuits, integrated circuit fabrication, integrated-circuit-fabrication, integratedcircuitfabrication, silicon, wafer, SPIE, SEMATECH, mask industry, mask-industry, maskindustry, mask inspection, mask-inspection, maskinspection, nanochannel glass, nanochannel-glass, nanochannelglass, SMIF interface, SMIF-interface, SMIFinterface, laser mask writer, laser-mask-writer, lasermaskwriter, VPG, VLSI, phase-shifting, altering-aperture phase-shifting, altering-aperture-phase-shifting, altering-aperturephase-shifting, immersion lithography, immersion-lithography, immersionlithography, hyper-NA, EUV, MEFF, scattering, pellicle, thin film, thin-film, thinfilm, nitrocellulose, silver halide, silver-halide, silverhalide, soda glass, soda-glass, sodaglass, borosilicate, quartz, chromium, plotter, master plate, master-plate, masterplate, fused silica plate, fused-silica-plate, fusedsilicaplate, stepper, scanner, multi-patterning, photoreticle, photomask, photolithography, rubylith, mylar, mask set, mask-set, maskset, optical pattern generator, optical-pattern-generator, opticalpatterngenerator, step-and-repeat camera, step-and-repeat-camera, step-and-repeatcamera, mutiple-IC mask, mutiple-IC-mask, mutiple-ICmask, reticles, electron beam lithography, electron-beam-lithography, electronbeamlithography, laser lithography, laser-lithography, laserlithography, contact aligner, contact-aligner, contactaligner, and photoresist.

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Continuing education
🇩🇪 B1/B2
Ausbildungsziele Das Studienziel ist ein „Bachelor of Science“ (B.Sc.) für Lasertechnik/Physikalische Technik in der jeweiligen Studienrichtung. Durch die Verbindung von Praxisorientierung und theoretisch fundierter Ausbildung erlangen Sie vielseitige Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in den Bereichen: Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen in Physik, Mathematik und Chemie Elektrotechnik/Elektronik Techn...
Halbleiter Physik Technik Laser Studiengang Bachelor Elektrotechnik Maschinenbau Informatik Konstruktion
4 days ago
Continuing education
Micro and Nano Systems The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at Chemnitz University of Technology offers a new international master’s program in Micro and Nano Systems The program provides world-class, future-oriented education in design, manufacturing, characterization and integration of miniaturized components into engineering systems. The interdisciplinary courses ...
TU Chemnitz Information Communication Systems Master Englisch Elektrotechnik Manager Elektroniker Physik
4 days ago

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