MINTsax.de ermöglicht es uns, die Stellenanzeigen unserer Gesellschaften schnell und unkompliziert auf verschiedenen Portalen zu veröffentlichen und erleichtert uns somit die Rekrutierung geeigneter Fachkräfte. Zudem gibt uns das Empfehlungssystem die Möglichkeit guten Bewerbern, für die wir gerade leider keine passende Stelle frei haben, durch unsere Empfehlung auf Ihrem weiteren Berufsweg zu unterstützen.
SmartNanotubes Technologies GmbH belongs to TUDAG TU Dresden Aktiengesellschaft.
SmartNanotubes Technologies is a start-up company founded in 2020. We, currently a team of 6 with diverse interdisciplinary backgrounds, are located in Freital near Dresden. We have developed a novel, highly sensitive gas sensor platform, based on the principle of an electronic nose, with huge potential for a wide spectrum of applications.
Talents wanted and opportunities
As a specialist for knowledge and technology transfer, TUDAG has a diverse range of business models and flexible structures and acts as an ideal link between business, industry and science. For this function, we employ employees who take responsibility, seek exciting tasks and want to shape the future together with us - so you!
We help our employees to move forward and offer many benefits, such as a flexible work schedule, performance-based and industry-appropriate pay, job ticket and free drinks.
Are you looking for new challenges? Then apply now!