Weidmüller Monitoring Systems GmbH is a high-performance partner for wind turbine manufacturers and operators. The Dresden-based company has its core competence in the field of multi-dimensional natural frequency measurement on fibre composites. This long-standing know-how is used for online monitoring of rotor blades on wind turbines.
Our products: BLADEcontrol Condition Monitoring System for continuous condition monitoring of rotor blades (e.g. for early detection of damage) and BLADEcontrol Ice Detector for reliable ice detection directly on the blade - automatic start-up and shut-down of the WTG - certified by DNV GL.
The Weidmüller Group has production facilities, sales companies and representatives in more than 80 countries. Together with our customers, we shape the digital walls - with products, solutions and services for Smart Industrial Connectivity and the Industrial Internet of Things. In the 2021 financial year, Weidmüller generated sales of € 960 million with around 5,300 employees.
The primary company language is German
Talents wanted and opportunities
We are always happy to hear from applicants who want to actively shape the energy transition with us in what is probably the most exciting industry in the world.